
One further thing, 

I admit that I changed the Iconic pictures on the home page, for Meetings to a group of Elephants, and the picture for Officers Corner to a Rhino without asking anyone's permission.  I was experimenting at the time with the new format the staff had created and using the experiments to learn some more about confluence wiki format.

And I updated the Turkwel pictures, also without getting anyone's permission first.  I really appreciate the new format Ken created.  I hope it is ok, I am sure we could revert to the boring old list I had before.  But that would be a sad thing to do.  It is much prettier this way, I think.

mea culpa, mean culpa, mea maxima culpa.


On 10 Feb 2013, at 22:37, Avri Doria wrote:

> On 10 Feb 2013, at 22:02, Edward Morris wrote:
>> Might I ask, though,  where you derived your authority to make some editorial changes to the website? 
> as a member of the NCSG Policy Committee, I asked the policy committee if anyone minded if I made the changes.
> no one objected and the chair of the NCSG said go ahead.
> cheers
> avri