This document has been out for public comment.

	I've missed the deadline on public comment for this by a day or two, but I'd still like to see if we can make a small comment on it if we can. 
	Here is my draft comment - if NCSG could approve it (quickly), that would be great, otherwise I'll just put it in as a personal comment. 
	Any additions or disagreement? 


The regular update of the Security, Stability and Resiliency Framework is a very important part of ICANNs SSR function, as attested by its inclusion in the Affirmation of Commitments.

NCSG notes the significant effort involved in preparing the FY13 Security, Stability and Resiliency Plan, and the progress towards implementing the recommendations of the Security, Stability and Resiliency Review Team Report.  While work so far has seen the completion of only some recommendations, we note planning and progress has been made for all the recommendations, and we appreciate the commitment to full implementation. 

NCSG supports the definition of ICANNs SSR role and remit. In particular, NCSG values the acknowledgement of areas that lie outside ICANNs remit, and NCSG strongly agrees that ICANNs role does not include law enforcement or determining what constitutes illicit conduct.

NCSG welcomes the explicit acknowledge of the necessity of a continued multistakeholder approach to security, and notes the inclusion of civil society within all discussions of the Internet and security ecosystem, and particularly welcomes the inclusion of engagement with civil society on privacy and free expression issues as a commitment for FY14.