From another list.  
Forwarded with permission.

Seemed relevant to some of the things we have been talking about.
If only all gTLD could be Swedish TLDs


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "John Berryhill, Ph.d., Esq." 
> Subject: [] EU, RAA, and privacy
> Date: 26 April 2013 11:55:15 EST
> The .se registry has amended their terms:
> "In the revised Registration terms concerning the top-level domain .se, which will become effective on June 3, clause 9.3 stipulates that “the registry of Domain names maintained by the Foundation is made available on the Internet through a domain-name search service (WHOIS). If the Domain holder is a physical person or a sole trader, no personal details will be published in this manner, unless specifically requested by the Domain holder.”
> Someone had mentioned this earlier on the list, so I made an audio excerpt of the developing EU multiple personality disorder on WHOIS and data protection, and posted it to
> The audio clip is a statement from the EU rep at the Beijing GAC/Board meeting, expressing his gratitude that everyone else in the world will be flagged, tagged, and bagged, but EU registrars will be able to claim a carve-out from the provisions of the new RAA.
> -- 
> John Berryhill, Ph.d. Esq.