This was a very pleasant surprise to see in my "inbox" this morning.

I have yet to meet Amr - in person, that is. I know Amr, though, from the quality of his written work on committees, and from his cool, calm verbal interactions on WG's, standing committees  and on groups within his Constituency. Most recently he has served us on the SCI - the most abstract of groups in ICANN. He's greatly impressed me with the quality of his input, his ability to quickly grasp rather complex subjects and his ability to advocate our positions in an effective agreeable manner.

Along with Avri and Wolfgang, whom I also obviously endorse and support, and our returning Counselors ( David, Magaly and Maria) we'll have a great group on Council next year. Strongly endorse.


On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Amr Elsadr <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Following the already excellent nominations put forward for the NCSG elections of representatives to the GNSO Council, I'd like to also throw my hat in with a self-nomination.

I've been a member of the NCSG since 2010, and (more recently) have been actively involved in representing non-commercial interests in the GNSO's PDP, and am aware of the various policy topics our stakeholder group has interests in. I feel that I am a suitable candidate to do the same on the Council, should the membership of NCSG also deem me worthy serve in that capacity.

I will submit a complete candidate's statement at the appropriate time as per the election schedule.

