Amr will be an excellent and welcome addition to the ICANN decision making process at this level.

I support his nomination 110%.

Thank you Amr for offering to serve.



On Sep 16, 2013 8:02 AM, "Amr Elsadr" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Following the already excellent nominations put forward for the NCSG elections of representatives to the GNSO Council, I'd like to also throw my hat in with a self-nomination.

I've been a member of the NCSG since 2010, and (more recently) have been actively involved in representing non-commercial interests in the GNSO's PDP, and am aware of the various policy topics our stakeholder group has interests in. I feel that I am a suitable candidate to do the same on the Council, should the membership of NCSG also deem me worthy serve in that capacity.

I will submit a complete candidate's statement at the appropriate time as per the election schedule.

