Dear All,

Kindly find my below my statement!

  • Name, declared region of residence, gender and employment;


West Africa (Nationality from Togo but based in Senegal)


Regional Coordinator of REPAOC (Network of national NGO platform in west and central Africa, since 2007.

  • Any conflicts of interest;

For the moment no conflicts of interest (None)!!

  • Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the particular position;

Since 2007, I’m coordinating the network of national NGO platforms in West and Central Africa. One major point is that NGO are working for large parts of their work on the internet in terms of visibility, communication and fundraising. Many NGO’s don’t know what is gTLDs?

What can be my contribution in the GNSO? Many NGO’s are using internet but have a few knowledge about internet governance and its security.

I’m not participating in to invent new tools. I don’t pretend to invent a new wheel for the NPOC but we can together join our energy by promoting talent in our network.

There is a big challenge and together we can identify problems in our community and find better solutions for those problems.

REPAOC intends to continue the development of this mission by promoting the development of a database in each country. The development of training relates to new technologies of information and communication. We have a role to encourage the dissemination of internet, to encourage a passion for the internet communication for research on globalisation, international cooperation and policy development.


      Qualifications for the position; and


I was familiar with ICANN during the 42nd meeting in October 2011 in Dakar (Senegal).

We quickly launched with Public Interest Registry (PIR) a dialogue on the promoting of the .ONG/.NGO in December 2011 in Dakar (Senegal) with many actors.

I serve as a member of the Advisory Council of PIR.ORG since 2012.


      Statement of availability for the time the position requires.


Of course I’m available to work and I can also bring new innovation to the job.


      The nominee’s statement may also include any other information that the candidate believes is relevant. 


I believe in freedom of expression, privacy of the individual and respect for human right. Yes, together in diversity, we can!


Best regards!



Regional Coordinator of REPAOC