Well put, Carlos, and interesting - wish I'd had this observation of yours before blogging. Feel free to enter it as a comment if you want to enrich the record there. 

-----Original Message-----

> All the more so because, as you know, there are strong sectors within 
> the government who would love to bring the root-zone to the purview of 
> the ITU, who hate Icann, who do not like the pluriparticipative model 
> of governance we defend, and who are basically associated with the 
> transnational telecom oligopoly which controls the main networks in BR.
> Dilma is courageously up against a huge wall here, to defend those 
> principles, and receiving Fadi and emerging from the meeting with thar 
> proposal was a major political milestone for her in those internal 
> disputes as well.
> [] fraterno