Dear Friends

Greetings and Thanks for this very interesting discussion. NPOC is since quite some time discussing the issues that are underlying these recent developments and discussion and we have developed some strategy and concept papers. I want to make one part of these papers available here because I think it might help to point out some direction forward.

If you have any questions or interested to receive the full papers, please let me know.

Yours, in the hope that the below is hopeful


NPOC-I-Engage Institute Excerpt:

2.1 Internet Governance basic characteristics

The Internet today concerns and affects everybody, everywhere, connected or not! How the Internet is run and governed is a topic as significant as the environment, human rights and peace. Today’s Internet Governance has to struggle with three basic characteristics:

  1. Public commons versus ownership

The character of the Internet as a shared human commons is unique. On the one hand it is a shared environment; on the other hand it is based on a physical infrastructure and has limited resources those have owners with their specific investments and interests.

  1. Sovereignty versus the geography of cyberspace

The Internet Ecosystem, by its very nature, does not care too much about physical boundaries. This is the fundamental reason why countries, whose authority is based on territory and the concept of sovereignty, struggle to find their place in a digital world. The uncontrolled free flow of data, together with the ongoing speed of innovation, seems to be irreconcilable with the concepts of national territory and sovereign rights. But we are all undeniably citizens of both spaces. We exercise our citizenship both online and off-line and we should find solutions to make the best use of it in these two dimensions.

c. New forms of sovereignty and governance

Similar to nation states, many of those organizations and individuals involved in the Internet Ecosystem and its governance, commonly known as the stakeholders, claim “sole-sovereignty” or self-proclaimed sovereignty over specific issues, roles and functions. The stability and security of the DNS, telecommunication standards, security and human rights, to name just some, are well defined “subject-territories” in the Internet Ecosystem.

The digital world of today requires a new understanding of sovereignty. Sovereignty in the context of Internet Governance needs to be based on the ability of a stakeholder or a group of stakeholders to:

The emergence of the Internet necessitates its stakeholders to create new innovative ways to exercise their joint governance responsibility. Tried and tested governance models based on traditional state- sovereignty are strongly challenged in a world of digital territories.

Additionally, new governance models need to be able to bridge the needs and realities of the physical world with those of the digital world are required. Tensions are rising as both spheres evolve. The basic choice the stakeholders have to make is whether they use this tension as an opportunity to reshape their role and responsibilities, or not. The moment one sphere claims dominance and sovereignty over another, this tension becomes destructive, whereas it can be a constructive force if it is used as the driving force for innovation and development.

2.2 Knowledge and Awareness: Bridging the gap between territorial and digital sovereignty

Nobody should interfere in the specific sovereignty and governance of nation states. Equally it is the sole role, responsibility and privilege of all Internet Ecosystem stakeholders to exercise their sovereignty. So how can the gap between the two understandings and practices of sovereignty be bridged?

Both spheres have in common that they sustain and develop themselves, based on a mechanism that acquires, processes and translates new knowledge and ideas from inside and outside their own sphere into decision making and actions. This, combined with the ability to synthesize and integrate different point of views from a standpoint of shared and interconnected rights and responsibilities, is the mechanism that drives sustainability and development. Any sphere that is unable, or only partially able to do so, is failing.

The gap between territorial and digital sovereignty can be bridged and turned into a constructive force when:

Development can only take place if it is based on knowledge that is available to everybody in appropriate forms, and not just to a self-elected elite. Both spheres have their own governance structures and there are attempts to create joint governance structures, but they can only be legitimate and successful if they put the awareness building and empowerment of their citizens and that of the citizens in other spheres, at the center of their thinking and doing. Joint governance structures should be citizen-centric.

We also have to recognize that neither nation states, nor the Internet ecosystem stakeholders, are limitless in their abilities to do so, even if they have a strong desire and need. Their abilities are limited by, and directly proportionate to, the availability and nature of the instruments they have available. Therefore, the immediate goal has to be to create suitable instruments and tools that:

The establishment and productive integration of knowledge throughout nations and digital societies also serves to turn the tension between public commons versus ownership of digital infrastructure, (see above), into a constructive force. A society that is knowledgeable about the digital world it lives in and that has learned to integrate this knowledge in such a way that it results in prosperous and fair development for all, will also be able to take informed decisions about which part of the digital world will require public common ownership and regulation and which parts should be subject to unlimited innovation. Informed and enabled digital societies in return will financially reward those who create digital infrastructure that contributes to a society’s development.

2.3 A new instrument

What is really needed is the creation of an instrument that allows the two spheres to meet and act together without questioning their respective sovereignty, an instrument that provides a common ground designed to strengthen the specific expertise, inclusiveness, transparency and effectiveness of the individual stakeholders. The instrument needs to be complimentary to the existing governance structures but not part of it. In order to be able to function as a complimentary support system for the Internet Ecosystem and an improved governance, the instrument should fulfill the following criteria.

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  1. The I-Engage Institute

In order to create this vital and necessary support instrument for Internet Governance, we propose the creation of the I-Engage Institute.

3.1 I-Engage Institute Mission and Vision

3.2 I-Engage Institute role and activities

The I-Engage Institute fulfills his mission and vision as a think tank for all of the Internet Ecosystem through the following activities:

3.3 What makes the I-Engage Institute different?

The Institute is different from existing IG-related institutions as: