I too would like to pay tribute to the memory of Alain Berranger.

I knew Alain for almost twenty years. He was at Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Ottawa when in the mid-1990s I and several others built the Bellanet Secretariate, housed at IDRC and an early effort at using ICT for global development collaboration. Marie-Laure has kindly written about Alain so I will add nothing. It was Alain who brought me into the NPOC, NCSG, ICANN orbit.

I too will miss him, though his memory lives on in NPOC and ICANN's multistakeholder model.

Sam Lanfranco
"It is a disgrace to be rich and honoured
in an unjust state" -Confucius
Dr Sam Lanfranco (Prof Emeritus & Senior Scholar)
Econ, York U., Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - M3J 1P3
email: [log in to unmask]   Skype: slanfranco
blog:  http://samlanfranco.blogspot.com
Phone: 613 476-0429 cell: 416-816-2852