Dear Friends,

I exactly know this is not the right forum to below post. Unfortunately I
don't know the right person to talk. Assuming one of the member in this
forum knowing it I am post below message.

I recently started a my own s/w development and IT consultancy venture.
Just a small start-up which running myself and an one of my friend. We are
specializing in web and mobile application development and we thought
better we do some application for ICANN. We did it. I remembered as a new
comer I had a big challenge to memorize hundreds of abbreviations.

We developed an android application which can use to get the meaning of a
abbreviation very quickly. Application is much similar to a traditional
dictionary application that mobile has. When user entering abbreviation
text application will suggest similar words in it's database. Once user
select one abbreviation it will display the meaning and the description. I
have added all the abbreviation in the New comers booklets in to this
application. Application has design in a way it can add more data
(abbreviation) easily.

We have not made this public. We just did the development complete. We are
more than happy to make this public once ICANN approved.

Janice provide me a lot for the support and encouragement behind this
application. But still I could not find a right channel to maker this
application available. I am more than happy to make available this
application freely for everyone.

Attached few screen shot of the application too.


