Hello Brenden,

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 7:39 PM, Brenden Kuerbis <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Clearly not, based on the paper we wrote and released last month:
> http://www.internetgovernance.org/pdf/ICANNreformglobalizingIANAfinal.pdf
> ref : Item 3 under the MOU (especially the last line). I had thought
removing governmental "oversight"/control is why we have the transitioning
process in the first place.

>>  for the EC?
> Good question. They made no mention of any particular organizational type
> in the statement. But they are clear that,
> When you say "they" do you mean the statement was on behalf of the entire
EC of NetMundial? My thinking is that it was a personal view of Kroes
(which ofcourse should be noted just like every other individual's
contribution should be noted)


*Seun Ojedeji,Federal University Oye-Ekitiweb:      http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
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