
On 26-Jun-14 08:05, Lori Schulman wrote:

> In support of Sam and others like Sam who may want to throw in their
> hat, Sam has an incredible combination of substantive work,
> academicand policy experience that would make him particularly suited
> to the task and he has the time.  I also think that it is difficult
> to discern "tone" on email and that Avri's question about Sam's
> qualifications would have been best answered rather than have Sam
> withdraw due to perceived acrimony.   My experience with NCSG is that
> this is a very strong group with a direct, sometimes blunt, way of
> communicating.  I would say that is understandable to perceive some
> of the questioning as hostile when, in fact, in may not be intended
> that way.

I think there can be various views on this.

In terms of the ICANN board, I agree the external experience only person
is indeed often the right choice.

When it comes, however, to a group that will be working on the NCSG's
behalf and actually representing and coordinating our activities, I tend
to look for someone with a proven record in communicating with the
membership and in participating in WGs, SG committees and the like.

But I agree, it is not a condition that should be made necessary by the
NCSG Policy Committee.  It is merely one of my personal criteria in
deciding on a nomination and on how I decide on my vote.
