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From: "Jonathan Robinson" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [council] Members / Volunteers - IANA Stewardship Transition & ICANN Accountability
Date: June 23, 2014 7:48:20 AM PDT
To: <[log in to unmask]>
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IMPORTANT - Members / Volunteers - IANA Stewardship Transition & ICANN Accountability

It seems we have universal agreement on the link between  IANA Stewardship Transition & ICANN Accountability.
In order to support these two critical and closely linked areas of work, we need three sets of volunteers from the GNSO as follows:
GNSO / CCNSO initiated CWG on Transition of NTIA's Stewardship of the IANA Functions
·         Up to 4 participants (from the GNSO) for the Charter Drafting Team ASAP
·         Logically, this seems to be 1 per SG
·         There is an informal gathering of the participants (in so far as they already exist) today at 18h00 in Sovereign (or Cadogan if required)

Coordination Group on Transition of NTIA's Stewardship of the IANA Functions

·         ICANN is seeking 5 participants from the GNSO including 2 from the Registries
·         Logically, and I believe we are agreed, this seems to be 1 per SG (excluding Registries SG)
Enhancing ICANN Accountability
·         It has been suggested that ICANN may seek 4 participants from the GNSO but this is not confirmed
·         Public comment (reply period) open until 27 June 2014
·         Avri Doria (NCPH / NCSG) and James Bladel (CPH / RrSG) to participate in panel / community session to discuss accountability on Thursday 26 June, 2014
There may or may not be overlap between the above participants.  I propose that the Council acts as co-ordinator.
I do not propose that we apply any (GNSO Council) selection process but am mindful of the desirability of diversity.
Also, I am cognisant that the Council has a management / coordination role to play here in order to ensure that channels of communication are well maintained and bottom-up processes are followed.
Please can you communicate and work with / within your respective SGs to produce these names and provide them to the GNSO Secretariat as soon as possible.
Many thanks,
Jonathan Robinson
Tel: +44 (0)20 7993 6103
skype: jonathan.m.r