Just as a reminder, here is the link to the feed of the WEF meeting.
cheers Stephanie

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [discuss] WEF NETmundial Initiative Video Feed now live fyi
Date: 	Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:55:52 +0200
From: 	FSP4NET <[log in to unmask]>
To: 	[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>

At 10:58 28/08/2014, Pindar Wong wrote:
> http://new.livestream.com/wef/events/3320009 
> <http://new.livestream.com/wef/events/3320009>

They have decided it was the end of the begining and they will actively 
do something they have to discuss with the multistakeholders to decide 
first if the solution is not already existing but lacking rough 
consensus. This will be carried through a Chinese, Indian, etc. road 

Will we now have Mr O.Cann starting a 2net.org platform where EVERYONE 
(says the Europan Rep) can engage everyone? Fadi seems to fear it. 
Because that would put ICANN aside? So now, it is OCANN vs ICANN. Good ! 
Our hope is that MYCANN can support both of them and others!

Anyway, we have five months before the Davos solution decision meeting. 
Another blahblahblah round :-)
The target is now the Governance Status-Quo.

"at the end it is a business" etc.... was the closing sentence.