On 10-Aug-14 23:37, Grace Githaiga wrote:
> Since all the candidates are eligible for  a second term, and I believe
> their performance has been exemplary, why not hear from them if they not
> interested in a second term and we move from there?  The mails are
> somehow too many just seconding this candidate or that one and yes I
> know that is the process but still... 

Yes, and i would be happy to see the incumbents renominated, they just
have not indicated within my hearing or reading that they want to be yet.

I know this produces a flurry of email.  but I love the life and
enthusiasm it shows and these events are only time some of our members
send a message.  Some excitedly cheering one, and some complaining about
the cheering.  It is a ritual of the NCSG, and one of its endearing

Personally I would like to see more email, more discussion, on this
list.  And I think +1 are great.  they are like those head noddings and
yeps we all do when we are in a physical space together.
