Dear NCSGers:
If you are going to IGF in Istanbul you may be interested in this. I am working with some local (Turkish) activists associated with the Internet Ungovernance Forum, and we have put together a workshop called:

Governance or Ungovernance: A Strategy Workshop for Internet Activists
It will be held 3 September 2014 (Wednesday), 13:00 18:00, in Istanbul near Taksim Square

The workship is designed for people new to the arena who may be:
  * confused about all the complicated and overlapping institutions that claim to be working on Internet governance
  * unsure about how activists concerned with local censorship and surveillance fit into these global structures
  * wondering how the IGF, ICANN, IETF, the ITU, the CSTD, and NetMundial are relevant to their collective engagements

The full description of what we are doing is attached as a pdf, which you are free to forward to other appropriate lists, and the same information can be found at this URL:

Milton L Mueller
Syracuse University School of Information Studies
Internet Governance Project