Dear All,


Please find attached/below the transcript, attendance, and MP3 recording of the NCSG Monthly call held on the 23rd September 2014. 


Attendees: Rafik Dammak, Rudi Vansnick,  Avri Doria,  Klaus Stoll, Marilia Maciel, Sam Lanfranco, Stephanie Perrin, Robin Gross, Bill Drake, David Cake


Apologies: Carlos Guttierrez, Magaly Pazello


Staff:  Maryam Bakoshi, Nathalie Peregrine, Benedetta Rossi



MP3 recording:


Many thanks,

Maryam Bakoshi

Secretariat – NCSG, NCUC, NPOC

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Email:  [log in to unmask]

Mobile:  +44 7737 698036

Skype:  maryam.bakoshi.icann