Thanks very much.  But the .doc file which is the proposed charter for the drafting team is still behind a password protected gate on the server.   Can that draft charter be forwarded on please?

Thanks again,

On Oct 20, 2014, at 11:23 AM, Avri Doria wrote:

they have been opened
they were meant to be open,
it was just missed.

thanks for letting me know.


On 20-Oct-14 12:32, Robin Gross wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
I tried to look at the archives, but they are not public.  The page says, "The current archive is only available to the list members."

Any other way to know what is happening with the drafting team on this important issue?


On Oct 19, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Avri Doria wrote:


The drafting team has been created, sort of.  Though at the moment there is a discussion of 2 or 4 participants from GNSO, i.e per house or per SG.  I am currently sitting on it, forget who from the other SGs.  GNSO side just sort of formed during the meeting.

I was a holdover from the previous charter DT.  Willing to be replaced.
I do not plan on standing for the member's role in the CWG-Accountabilty itself, but will be a participant.

The accountability drafting  pre-team decided in its formative meeting to have an open archive and for the calls to be open for listening.   The notes from the meeting are at:
Accountability-dt mailing list
[log in to unmask]


On 19-Oct-14 15:54, Robin Gross wrote:
Hi folks,

Any update on the creation of a drafting team to work on the accountability efforts at ICANN?  What is the latest from the GNSO Council on this front and the creation of the CCWG?

Thank you!
