+1 @Robin.
Cheers !

2014-11-25 5:06 GMT+00:00 Enrique Chaparro <[log in to unmask]>:
I have no reason to distrust CGI.BR, but no reason to trust that
their current commitment will stand the test of time either. My
personal appreciation for some of the members of CGI I know
and respect shouldn't be confused with institutional trust. In
any case, CGI.BR is just a part of NMI and despite their assurances,
the horizon is as unclear as it was two weeks ago.

From a personal, but also from an institutional standpoint, even
if we have no right nor desire to represent anyone but ourselves,
a little organization in the Southern outskirts of the planet, I
completely subscribe Milton Mueller's assertion: “It would be
acceptable to work with NMI if or when it proposes specific actions
or policies that civil society supports, but there is no reason to
allow civil society participation in Internet governance to be gate-kept
in this way, or to allow itself to be incorporated into a structure defined
by and under the control of ICANN, WEF and a Brazilian national
agency (CGI).“



Enrique A. Chaparro
Chairman of the Board - Fundacion Vía Libre
http://vialibre.org.ar [log in to unmask]

Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI
Responsable du projet CERGI-EDUCATON à CERGI Banking Services
Directeur Général de GiDa-OKtetS (Représentations commerciales et négoces)
Directeur Exécutif et CEO de l'INTIC4DEV (Institut des TIC pour le développement)
SG de ESTETIC  - Association Togolaise des professionnels des TIC (http://www.estetic.tg)
ICANN-NPOC Communications Committee Chair (http://www.icann.org/ et http://www.npoc.org/)
Membre du FOSSFA (www.fossfa.net) et Membre de de Internet Society (www.isoc.org)
BP : 851 - Tél.: (228) 90 98 86 50 / (228) 98 43 27 72
Skype : olevie1 FB : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek Lomé – Togo