At the State of the Net Tuesday again we have a healthy NYC contingent representing. Nancy Scola is moderating a panel on Digital Protectionism, Rachel Sklar is moderating a panel on Diversity that includes NYTM's Jessica Lawrence. Nilay Patel is on the Open Internet panel - along with Harold Feld! Nilay has to be an expert on NN since he moderated the Legal Hackers South Street Seaport special last July! And then, also from NYC is me (joly) doing the streaming.
Now, as far as the webcast goes. First the $99. SInce we are sponsoring the webcast we have negotiated a reduced rate of $25 for ISOC members. To get the rate all you have to do is email Paul Brigner (currently in Budapest so he will up early on Tuesday morning!) at [log in to unmask] and he will mail you back an individualized discount code. If you are not an ISOC member please join, it's free! While all that is confirmed for the webcast at the moment are the morning plenaries,  If you are seriously into Internet policy it has to be worth the 25.
 In the afternoon there are 3 tracks - see - and how and if and which will be streamed  is something I'll sort out on the fly. I'd like to do both those rooms on the 8th floor. My feeling is that, if nobody objects and it's technically feasible I might bounce room 807 out to another, possibly free, channel. If so I will announce here. Stay tuned.

joly posted: " On Tuesday January 27 2015 the  Internet Education Foundation (IEF) will host the 2015 State of the Net Conference at the Newseum in Washington DC. Among the many listed speakers are US CTO Megan Smith, FTC Chair Edith Ramirez, Assistant AG Leslie Caldwe"

State of the Net On Tuesday January 27 2015 the  Internet Education Foundation (IEF) will host the 2015 State of the Net Conference at the Newseum in Washington DC. Among the many listed speakers are US CTO Megan Smith, FTC Chair Edith Ramirez, Assistant AG Leslie Caldwell, WH Director of Cybersecurity Ari Schwartz, Congressman Bob Goodlatte, the NTIA's Larry Strickling, ICANN's Theresa Swinehart, the NCUC's Milton Mueller, ISOC's Sally Wentworth, CDT's Nuala O'Connor, the FCC's Gigi Sohn, and her former PK colleague Harold Feld. As the 114th Congress kicks off, attendees include some 300 congressional staff and other policymakers. The Internet Society is sponsoring and providing the live webcast, which is priced at $99.

What: 2015 State of the Net Conference
Where: Newseum, Washington DC
When: Tuesday January 27 2015 pam-5pm EST | 14:00-22:00 UTC
Webcast: ($99)
Twitter: #sotn15


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Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - -
 VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY -