
What am I missing here. Everybody agrees that in the final analysis the 
ICANN strategy is a bad idea, and that it will not prevent people from 
doing what they want.

So why are we so quiet about telling ICANN to change its strategy here?

/On 18/03/2015 11:45 AM, Stephanie Perrin wrote://
> /I must say I agree with Amr....and in the final analysis, the anxiety 
> about all of this stems from a successful marketing campaign to sell 
> more domains.  Quite frankly, if I am the best plumbing doctor in the 
> world and have a great website, folks are going to search their way to 
> my door....wherever that door happens to open. //
> //Maybe I have just not succumbed to ICANN groupthink yet....//
> / /
> //cheers Stephanie Perrin/