I have prepared the following extract from the Excel Spreadsheet being used within the New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group. It is intended as an easy to read quick guide to issues being discussed, and issues not being discussed at this point.

Quick Guide to Identifying the Principles, Recommendations and Implementation Guidelines being discussed in the New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group[1]


The following list is Column B in the New gTLD Principles_Recs_IG_Issues_16Mar2015 Excel file being circulated by the GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group [Ntfy-gnso-newgtld-dg], with a couple of “rationale” comments deleted. It is presented as a quick guide to identifying the Principles, Recommendations, and Implementation Guidelines being discussed. For the contents of Columns C through H refer to the spreadsheet.

Column B


Policy and Implementation Satisfactory?



Policy adjustments/








Implementation Guidelines:

·        The following ICANN organizations are defined as established institutions: GAC, ALAC, GNSO, ccNSO, ASO.

·     g) formal existence – formal existence may be demonstrated by appropriate public registration, public historical evidence, validation by a government, intergovernmental organization, international treaty organization or similar.

·     h) detriment – the objector must provide sufficient evidence to allow the panel to determine that there would be a likelihood of detriment to the rights or legitimate interests of the community or to users more widely.

·        ICANN staff will provide an automatic reply to all those who submit public comments that will explain the objection procedure.

·        Once formal objections or disputes are accepted for review there will be a cooling off period to allow parties to resolve the dispute or objection before review by the panel is initiated.

[1] Prepared by Sam Lanfranco, Chair, Policy Committee, NPOC. I am solely responsible for any inconsistencies between this “quick guide” and the content of the New gTLD Principles_Recs_IG_Issues_16Mar2015 Excel file