On Mar 27 12:43, "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

> We have to find ways how to rach rough consensus on names which have
> different meaning (and value) in different cultures. If there is
> good will, one can settle individual cases.


> If you have no good will, you can fight for words for centuries. Or
> you can introduce a language police which tells the four billion
> Internet users that it is not allowed that you use .anything in a
> domain name. And if you ignore it, than you have to spend years in a
> cyberjail (under California Law in Guantanamo)!!!

Wonder if US government (or Cuba!) would object to .guantanamo?
http://cyber.jail.guantanamo would be cool, or maybe scary. :-)

Tapani Tarvainen