-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[IGFmaglist] Please circulate: Call to Participate
Date: 	Mon, 16 Mar 2015 20:35:23 +1300
From: 	Susan Chalmers <[log in to unmask]>
To: 	[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>

Dear colleagues,

Attached you will find translations of the Call to Participate in the
IGF / 10 Tips for workshop proposers document in the following languages:

  * Arabic
  * Chinese
  * French
  * Hindi
  * Japanese
  * Russian
  * Spanish

We are most grateful to our collagues Baher Esmat, Dr. Xiadong Lee,
Nathalie Coupet, Virat Bhatia, Izumi Okutani, Marianne Sokolova, and
Maria Victoria Romero Caballero for their time and efforts in
translating this document.

Could the Secretariat kindly confirm that it will post these documents,
and circulate the call, to the regional and national IGF organisers?

*Note*Â that the deadline for workshop proposals is the end of this month!


Susan Chalmers
[log in to unmask]


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