At 12:21 AM 4/27/2015, Avri Doria wrote:
>On 26-Apr-15 23:57, Milton L Mueller wrote:
>>I hope that NCSG members will understand the need to push for an 
>>independent PTI board that contains IETF and RIR representatives as 
>>well as naming community representatives.
>While we can make sure there is room for them, we cannot include 
>them.  Only the ICG can actually bring them in, if they wish to be 
>brought in.
>I certainly favor making sure it is possible for them to be as 
>involved in the PTI as they may decide they are willing to be.  One 
>of the ideas that was dead on arrival was the notion that instead of 
>the Affiliate being their sole property of ICANN, it would be a 
>shared resource among the 3 operational communities.  That remains 
>possible as an evolutionary path in the current proposal.

Why was that dead on arrival?  What's the objection to having the 3 
communities, rather than the ICANN board, in control of the PTI Board?

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David G Post - Senior Fellow, Open Technology Institute/New America Foundation
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