At 12:21 AM 4/27/2015, Avri Doria wrote:

On 26-Apr-15 23:57, Milton L Mueller wrote:

I hope that NCSG members will understand the need to push for an independent PTI board that contains IETF and RIR representatives as well as naming community representatives.


While we can make sure there is room for them, we cannot include them.  Only the ICG can actually bring them in, if they wish to be brought in. 

I certainly favor making sure it is possible for them to be as involved in the PTI as they may decide they are willing to be.  One of the ideas that was dead on arrival was the notion that instead of the Affiliate being their sole property of ICANN, it would be a shared resource among the 3 operational communities.  That remains possible as an evolutionary path in the current proposal.

Why was that dead on arrival?  What's the objection to having the 3 communities, rather than the ICANN board, in control of the PTI Board?

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David G Post - Senior Fellow, Open Technology Institute/New America Foundation
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