Hi everyone,

you can find here the schedule http://buenosaires53.icann.org/en/schedule-full#22jun15 for sessions in Monday ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires.
there are several interesting sessions:

- starting with opening session , where we can expect some announcement and updates
- the IANA stewardship and ICANN accountability working groups Town Hall session, where you can make comment about the proposals
- High-Interest topic session about auctions proceeds , where we will have NCSG panelists. any input is welcome.
- Internet Governance public session, also having NCSG speakers there

for those attending in situ or remotely the sessions, please tweet and do liveblogging using the hashtag #ICANN53 and/or putting @NCSG_ICANN in cc. also feel free to tweet in your native language.

Best Regards,
