Greetings from Iran !
Welcome to all Newcomers in NCSG .
Shabnam Shafiei 
> On Jul 10, 2015, at 6:37 PM, Vernatius Okwu EZEAMA <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Welcome everybody!
> Cheers you all.
> Vernatius Okwu EZEAMA
>> On Fri, July 10, 2015 12:50 pm, Rafik Dammak wrote:
>> Hi everyone.
>> I am glad to welcome in the NCSG list  our new individual members who
>> were  approved by the NCSG EC.
>> They were successfully added to this mailing list and so able to read
>> this welcoming and follow the discussions.
>> I am happy as NCSG chair, to support new and existing members in order to
>> let them be fully involved and participate in our policy discussion and
>> for that I am ready to respond to your questions with the help of other
>> experienced members and officers.  I had mail exchange and even skype
>> calls for those who asked, so please feel free to contact me if you want
>> more information or asking for clarifications.
>> There are opportunities to learn about policy development : with the
>> quarterly GNSO Working Group newcomers Webinar, for which the schedule
>> will be shared in due time.  We also have our month confcall and the next
>> will be in 21st July, more details to be sent later.
>> A lot of public comments
>> <>
>> and important reports to cover (priority-wise)  and much more in the
>> coming weeks. For example you can read out latest comments from NCSG here
>> <> , in particular about the proxy
>> and privacy services report (more coverage here
>> <
>> P=19679>
>> )
>> . you can also check the recordings of NCSG sessions during Buenos Aires
>> meeting here <>
>> Some information, you should keep somewhere:
>> - While a lot discussion happen here, there are several information in
>> our wikispace which is updated regularly, please check here
>> <>  or
>> more easy to remember  . Navigating there will give flavour of what
>> we did and are doing.
>> - In particular if you want some info on how to participate in working
>> groups and NCSG , please follow the announcements shared here and be in
>> touch with the Policy committee chair and me  . Also please check those
>> links too: - Some tips to
>> *
>> <>*
>> - List of working groups and members involved
>> rking+Groups
>> - Policy comments and statements here:
>> - Recordings and transcripts of latest meetings:
>> *
>> <>*
>> - There is a one-stop page
>> <
>> y-efforts.htm> to find all information about GNSO and also about GNSO
>> activities <> during ICANN meeting.
>> - Also to catch-up with ongoing discussion in the mailing list archive :
>> - Also you can find the NCSG calendar here:
>> - Finally, don't feel overwhelmed by ICANN acronyms, you will find most
>> of them in this glossary
>> Please welcome warmly:
>> - *Organizations*
>> 1. Electronic Frontier Foundation, Jeremy Malcolm, United States
>> 2. Centre for Law and Democracy,Michael Karanicolas, Canada
>> 3. AlterMundi, Nicolás Echániz, Argentina
>> - *Individuals*
>> 1. Mahsa Alimardani, Netherlands
>> 2. Yashar Hajiyev, Azerbaijan
>> 3. Romina Florencia Cabrera, Argentina
>> 4. James Losey, Sweden
>> 5. Rim Hayat Chaif, Algeria
>> 6. Hamza Ben Mehrez, Tunisia
>> 7. Daniel Oppermann, Brazil
>> I will send other updates later and please feel free to contact me
>> directly offlist.
>> Best Regards,
>> Rafik Dammak
>> NCSG Chair
>> *follow NCSG : @NCSG_ICANN & <>*
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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