Thank you Robin for this excellent commentary.


Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez
+506 8837 7176
Skype: carlos.raulg
On 22 Jul 2015, at 1:43, Robin Gross wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently wrote this analysis of the .africa Independent Review Panel 
> (IRP) Declaration, which has implications for other gtlds that may 
> have been similarly denied.
> Thanks,
> Robin
> ICANN Accountability Deficits Revealed in Panel Ruling on .AFRICA
> “Fortress ICANN” No Longer Able to Shield Itself from 
> Accountability
> In an important test of ICANN’s primary accountability mechanism, 
> its Independent Review Process (IRP), the organization has been handed 
> a stinging blow over its mishandling of the bid for the new generic 
> Top-Level Domain (gTLD) .AFRICA.
> At the crux of the issue are two competing applications for the 
> .AFRICA new gTLD and the decision by ICANN’s Board to abdicate its 
> responsibility to ensure that ICANN’s evaluation and subsequent 
> rewarding of the domain was carried out fairly, transparently, and in 
> accordance with the organization’s Bylaws, Articles of Organization, 
> and established policies.
> The unanimous IRP Panel of 3 distinguished adjudicators declared that 
> both the actions and inactions of ICANN’s Board with respect to the 
> application of DotConnect Africa Trust for the .AFRICA gTLD were 
> inconsistent with ICANN’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The 
> Panel found that both ICANN’s Board, and its constituent body, the 
> GAC, breached their obligations to act transparently and in conformity 
> with procedures that ensured fairness.
> As a result, the Panel recommended that ICANN continue to refrain from 
> delegating the .AFRICA gTLD and permit DCA Trust’s application to 
> proceed through the remainder of the new gTLD application process. 
> Although the award did not include reimbursing DCA Trust’s legal 
> fees and expenses, ICANN was found to be liable for bearing all the 
> costs of the IRP and the totality of the costs of the IRP provider, 
> more than U.S. $400,000.
> Several days after the Panel’s unanimous declaration, the ICANN 
> Board of Directors met on 16 July 2015 and decided to accept the 
> Panel’s finding and place DCA Trust’s application back in the 
> evaluation process. Given the growing pressure on ICANN to accept 
> meaningful accountability reform, including an independent IRP that is 
> truly capable of correcting the organization’s mistakes, the Board 
> had little choice but to accept the Panel’s recommendation.
> The Panel noted that the IRP is the only independent third-party 
> process that allows review of board actions to ensure their 
> consistency with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Furthermore 
> ICANN requires all new gTLD applicants to relinquish all their rights 
> to seek redress against ICANN in courts of law for any harm caused by 
> ICANN or any misconduct by ICANN.
> Accountability requires that an organization explain or give reasons 
> for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and disclose the 
> results in a transparent manner. Not only did ICANN fail to provide a 
> rationale for denying DCA Trust’s application, it did not even 
> require that a reason be provided before killing the application that 
> ICANN was paid $185,000 to evaluate fairly. Neither principles of 
> equity nor ICANN’s corporate Bylaws and Articles would allow that 
> decision to stand unchallenged.
> ICANN’s Board Violated Its Obligations of Due Diligence and Fairness
> After ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) issued 
> “consensus advice” objecting to DCA Trust’s application, 
> ICANN’s Board summarily awarded the .AFRICA domain to the African 
> Union Commission, DCA Trust’s competitor. When DCA Trust filed for a 
> reconsideration of that Board decision based on irregularities and 
> non-transparency of the GAC decision making process and also based on 
> allegations of staff misconduct discriminating against DCA Trust, the 
> reconsideration request was also dismissed out of hand by ICANN’s 
> Board.
> However ICANN’s Bylaws require the organization’s Board and its 
> internal constituent bodies to operate to the maximum extent feasible 
> in an open and transparent manner and consistent with procedures 
> designed to ensure fairness.
> Due diligence required a conversation with the GAC about its 
> objection, even where the advice was consensus advice. But ICANN’s 
> Board was found to give undue deference to the GAC objection and 
> failed to investigate the basis for the decision, even though it is 
> consensus advice.
> This IRP declaration is important because it implies the board can no 
> longer passively accept GAC consensus advice to object to a new gTLD 
> application (or anything else) without conducting adequate diligence 
> into the decision making process and exercising independent judgment 
> of its own. ICANN’s Board cannot hide behind murky “GAC 
> objections” to block applications given the Board’s affirmative 
> duties of due diligence and fairness in carrying out its activities.
> What this ruling reveals is that GAC has been granted too much 
> autonomy in ICANN’s decision making process given the Board’s 
> ultimate responsibility for GAC as a “constituent body” of ICANN. 
> But ICANN’s Board has no involvement in, much less control over, 
> whether the GAC grants to any party voting membership status; that 
> decision remains within the sole discretion of the GAC. Thus, although 
> the Board is legally responsible for the decisions, GAC holds a 
> growing power over those decisions, but bears no legal responsibility 
> for them.
> ICANN’s board failed to conduct due diligence and investigate if the 
> organization’s constituent bodies, the GAC in particular, were 
> operating in a manner of openness, transparency, and fairness.
> Because the board did not investigate allegations of inappropriate 
> staff conduct after being put on notice of discriminatory actions, it 
> was found to have violated the organization’s Bylaws’ obligation 
> to exercise appropriate care and diligence in carrying out its duties 
> and activities. By failing to apply ICANN procedures in a neutral and 
> objective manner with procedural fairness, ICANN breached its Articles 
> and Bylaws.
> ICANN’s Board Gave Improper Deference to Unaccountable Government 
> Advisory Committee
> The Guidebook lists three specific reasons why GAC could issue a 
> consensus objection to a gTLD application, yet upon investigation, the 
> IRP Panel uncovered that GAC is not constrained in any manner, and in 
> operation, it can object to a domain name application for any reason 
> or for no reason at all.
> The Panel noted that GAC’s own witness, its former Chair, Heather 
> Dryden, admitted during the IRP hearing that GAC did not act with 
> transparency nor in a manner designed to ensure fairness.
> In her testimony, GAC’s former Chair explained that, “there 
> isn’t GAC agreement about what the rights are” of the contending 
> parties, and that “not all countries have a shared view about what 
> those entities … should be able to do.” Dryden went on to explain, 
> “because that would only get clarified if there is a circumstance 
> where that link is forced. In our business we talk about creative 
> ambiguity. We leave things unclear so we don’t have conflict.”
> Ms. Dryden also stated that the GAC made its decision without 
> providing any rationale and primarily based on politics rather than on 
> potential violations of national laws and sensitivities. Indeed she 
> testified that GAC is not required to provide any rationale with its 
> consensus objections.
> Testimony from its former Chair at an IRP hearing was shockingly 
> illuminating on how GAC reaches decisions:
> Arbitrator Kessedjian:
> So, basically you’re telling us that the GAC take a decision to 
> object to an applicant, and no reasons, no rationale, no discussion of 
> the concepts that are in the rules?
> The Witness:
> I’m telling you the GAC did not provide a rationale. And that was 
> not a requirement for issuing a GAC –
> Honorable Judge Cahill:
> But you are also want to check to see if the countries are following 
> the right – following the rules, if there are reasons for rejecting 
> this or it falls within the three things that my colleague’s talking 
> about.
> The Witness:
> The practice among governments is that governments can express their 
> view, whatever it may be. And so there’s a[…] deference to that. 
> That’s certainly the case here as well. The – if a country tells 
> – tells the GAC or says it has a concern, that not really something 
> that – that’s evaluated, in the sense you mean, by the other 
> governments. That’s not the way governments work with each other.”
> Honorable Judge Cahill:
> So you don’t go into the reasons at all with them?
> The Witness:
> To the issue of consensus objection, no.
> But the Panel was unimpressed with such a sloppy decision making 
> process, particularly given ICANN’s duty to act the public interest 
> and to obey its own Bylaws. According to the Panel:
> “ICANN was bound by its Bylaws to conduct adequate diligence to 
> ensure that it was applying its procedures fairly. Section 1 of 
> Article III of ICANN’s Bylaws, require it and its constituent bodies 
> to “operate to the maximum extent feasible in an open and 
> transparent manner and consistent with procedures designed to ensure 
> fairness. The Board must also as per Article IV, Section 3, Paragraph 
> 4 exercise due diligence and care in having a reasonable amount of 
> facts in front of it.”
> Thus ICANN Board was legally required to conduct a meaningful review 
> of its previous decision to accept the GAC objection advice and it did 
> not. The Panel declared, “[I]n light of the clear ‘Transparency’ 
> obligation provisions found in ICANN’s Bylaws, the Panel would have 
> expected the ICANN Board to, at a minimum, investigate the matter 
> further before rejecting DCA Trust’s application.” The Panel said 
> it would have had a similar expectation with respect to the Board’s 
> response to the GAC consensus objection.
> Instead of investigating the conflict or providing a meaningful 
> reconsideration of its prior decision, the Board simply accepted the 
> GAC objection as if it were definitive on the matter, rather than an 
> input to consider. The law does not allow ICANN’s Board to abdicate 
> its responsibility to govern ICANN to the GAC; nor may it violate its 
> Bylaws’ obligations to conduct ICANN’s affairs with fairness and 
> transparency, simply because GAC desires a specific policy objective.
> ICANN’s claim that “the Guidebook explicitly states that Early 
> Warnings may be issued for any reason” did not hold much sway with 
> the Panel, which declared that ICANN must follow rules, notably its 
> Bylaws and Articles, which require transparency and fairness in the 
> administration of its duties.
> At the 16 July special Board meeting, ICANN’s Board stated it would 
> ask the GAC if it wishes to refine its consensus advice to object to 
> DCA Trust’s application, provide further information regarding that 
> advice, or otherwise address the concerns raised in the Panel’s 
> declaration regarding GAC. The continued development and impact of GAC 
> advice on ICANN’s decision-making process is particularly worth 
> watching going forward.
> ICANN Staff’s Various Attempts to Impede IRP Accountability
> The Panel noted a number of times throughout the lengthy IRP process 
> when ICANN staff attempted to reduce the ability of the Panel to 
> provide meaningful accountability.  Just as ICANN’s Cross Community 
> Working Group on Accountability begins to examine “ICANN staff 
> accountability” in the overall accountability framework of the 
> organization, the Panel’s declaration is all too illuminating on the 
> significant hurdles one must traverse when trying to hold ICANN 
> accountable for its actions.  At every turn, ICANN staff, particularly 
> its lawyers, attempted to erect barriers in the process that would 
> insulate the organization from responsibility and render the IRP 
> impotent.
> “The Panel is also of the view that any attempt by ICANN in this 
> case to prevent it from carrying out its independent review of 
> ICANN’s Board’s actions in the manner that the Panel considers 
> appropriate under the circumstances deprives the accountability and 
> review process set out in the Bylaws of any meaning.”
> Some examples that came out during the proceedings:
> ICANN claimed the Panel could not examine witnesses. The Panel decided 
> otherwise and noted that both ICANN’s Bylaws and the Supplementary 
> Rules require an IRP Panel to examine and decide whether the board has 
> acted consistently with it obligations. Without the ability to examine 
> witnesses and test the veracity of their claims, the Panel would be 
> unable to ensure that the parties to an IRP are treated with equity 
> and given a fair opportunity to present their case.
> ICANN claimed the Panel could not suggest a remedy if violations were 
> found. The Panel disagreed with ICANN’s claim because if the IRP 
> mechanism is intended to provide a remedy for a claimant materially 
> injured or harmed by Board action or inaction, then naturally the IRP 
> Panel may recommend how the ICANN Board might fashion a remedy to 
> redress such injury or harm.
> ICANN claimed the Panel’s standard of review was to be 
> “deferential” to the board of directors, rather than a de novo 
> standard, which is an objective and independent one, examining whether 
> the Board acted or failed to act in a manner inconsistent with 
> ICANN’s Articles or Bylaws. The Panel declared that the IRP was 
> specifically designed and set up to offer the Internet community, a de 
> novo standard of review that would ensure that ICANN acted in a manner 
> consistent with its Articles and Bylaws.
> ICANN claimed that an IRP was not permitted to address whether the GAC 
> did anything inappropriate and could only consider Board actions or 
> inactions. The Panel, however, noted that GAC was clearly a 
> constituent body of ICANN and was therefore required to act 
> transparently and in a neutral and objective manner and that it was 
> empowered to examine that conduct.
> Astonishingly, before publishing the Panel’s declaration, ICANN 
> redacted key text from the declaration in at least 39 separate places 
> to further hide its misdeeds. According to sources who have seen the 
> un-redacted ruling, the deleted text primarily discusses specific 
> instances of ICANN staff misconduct including ICANN’s senior 
> management’s drafting of the letter which it then relied upon to 
> provide the winning bid for .AFRICA to DCA Trust’s competitor. There 
> appear to be redactions also of the GAC former chair’s testimony 
> explaining how “the political process” at ICANN works.
> Clearly it is inappropriate for ICANN to abuse its position in the 
> publication of the IRP declaration to censor instances of ICANN staff 
> misconduct and GAC unaccountability from public view. As the redacted 
> declaration is already significantly damning with respect to revealing 
> ICANN accountability failures, it begs the question as to just how 
> much more unflattering the redacted text must be. Even after ICANN was 
> severely rebuked by the Panel in its ruling for its many instances of 
> inappropriate conduct in this matter, ICANN continued with its usual 
> practice of hiding the extent of its misconduct from the public it 
> allegedly serves. A new culture of transparency in every aspect of key 
> decisions must take root at ICANN before the organization can be given 
> any greater responsibility to serve the public, rather than not 
> itself.
> The Panel stated that, “ICANN is not an ordinary California 
> nonprofit organization. Rather it has a large international purpose 
> and responsibility to coordinate and ensure the stable and secure 
> operation of the Internet’s unique identifier systems.”
> Important Precedent Over-Turning “Presumption” that GAC Advice 
> Must be Obeyed
> This ruling is significant in many respects, including demonstrating 
> the absolute necessity of having an IRP that is truly independent of 
> ICANN’s Board and staff. Managing the Internet’s domain name 
> system requires a level of competence and trustworthiness to the 
> public interest that ICANN has not yet shown itself mature enough to 
> undertake without an independent adjudicator of ICANN’s actions.
> This ruling could also have important precedential value for the many 
> other new gTLDs, which have also been negatively impacted by GAC 
> advice or objections that may not comport with ICANN’s legal 
> obligations to follow rules in a fair, transparent, and objective 
> manner after conducting due diligence.
> The “presumption” that GAC consensus objections to new domains 
> shall be obeyed by ICANN’s Board has been solidly overturned by the 
> Panel since neither the Board, nor the GAC itself have required the 
> GAC to follow rules or process, to operate fairly, or even state 
> reasons to objections that can be addressed.
> Furthermore, the Board may not abdicate its responsibility and hide 
> behind GAC decisions without undertaking its own independent inquiry 
> and exercising its own judgment as to whether proper process and 
> appropriate decisions were taken. The light shown on the 
> non-transparent and lawless nature of ICANN’s GAC calls the actions 
> and structure of the entire organization into question.
> ICANN cannot promise the world transparency, fairness, due diligence, 
> and objectivity in its exercise of these important responsibilities at 
> the same time that it does not require those qualities of its 
> constituent bodies, including GAC, the Board, and ICANN’s staff.
> Another important consideration from this ruling is the tremendous 
> cost and time that one must invest to try to hold ICANN accountable. 
> DCA Trust could have easily spent a million dollars to bring this 
> action to completion in lawyers’ fees, panelists’ fees, and other 
> expenses. New gTLD applicants are required to waive all their rights 
> to legal enforcement by courts of law, so the IRP is the only 
> independent mechanism available to those harmed by ICANN, and one must 
> be prepared to spend millions of U.S. Dollars in order to have their 
> rights enforced. Not exactly a mechanism that is accessible for 99% of 
> the world’s population, despite ICANN’s global impact and claim of 
> public service. In any event, the .AFRICA is among the most important 
> and precedential IRP declarations ICANN has ever received.
> ICANN Staff Redactions:	
> By Robin Gross|July 16th, 2015|Internet Governance, Publications