Wholeheartedly support MarĂ­lia's nomination.

Milan, Stefania <[log in to unmask]> [2015-08-12 14:45:51 +0000]:
> Dear NCSGers
> I would hereby like to nominate Marilia for one of the NCSG in the GNSO Council.
> Marilia is an academic and an advocate of absolute standing. A member of the GNSO Council for the past year, she has been the principle advocate for human rights on the Council, showing dedication and diplomatic abilities. A Brazilian national with a global outlook, she has experience both in the fields of Internet Governance and intellectual property.  With the CCWG likely to add a commitment by ICANN to respect human rights to the bylaws as part of the transition, Marilia's expertise will prove essential to the Council as it incorporates human rights principles in it's work.
> I am confident the community will be thrilled at having Marilia on board for another year!
> Best, Stefania

Pranesh Prakash
Policy Director, Centre for Internet and Society
http://cis-india.org | tel:+91 80 40926283
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