​Can we think of a specific example of "prohibition on regulation of
services that use the Internet’s unique identifiers or the content that
 they carry"?

​Aren't they talking about "hands off the Internet" laws? And, saying,
regardless, ICANN must regulate?



On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Mueller, Milton L <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I was reading the CCWG proposal and had one of those WTF moments….
> Can someone who was in Paris or who was more involved in CCWG tell me what
> this means:
> “The CCWG-Accountability …concluded that the prohibition on regulation of
> services that use the Internet’s unique identifiers or the content that
> they carry or provide does not act as a restraint on ICANN’s contracting
> authority.”
> WHAT???
> Since ICANN regulates by contracts with registries and registrars, the
> prohibition on regulation of services that use the Internet’s unique
> identifiers or the content that  they carry or provide had bloody well
> better limit ICANN’s ability to regulate services and content via
> contracts, otherwise it doesn’t prohibit anything. Am I missing something
> here?
> Dr. Milton L. Mueller
> Professor, School of Public Policy
> Georgia Institute of Technology

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