Great to have you back in the saddle Ed.


On Sep 13, 2015, at 2:48 AM, Edward Morris <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi everybody,
A quick thanks to everyone who sent notes of support during my recent hospitalisation. I was released on Thursday and have a bit of a road to go down to complete recovery but I'll get there - thanks, in part, to all the support I got from folks here. Thanks again!
I managed to quickly put together a public comment today on the 2nd draft proposal from the CCWG on Accountability. It's attached. Thanks to everyone who put together the NCSG comment. Sorry I wasn't around the help, but you guys did a great job! Thanks for all your hard work and I promise to do a bit more next time - something tells me this won't be the last CCWG public comment... .
Thanks again everyone.