Thanks for the link of the study María. I just went over it.  90% of the RFP asks for a lot of pretty short time series of data I doubt exists in the region in a consistent statistical form , without any good suggested hypothesis to test (page 4). Again,  how do you expect the number of registrations (in LatAm) to grow if the services are provided  by a fee businesses in the north.

Pretty much looking for regional suggestions for a problem caused elsewhere, as this thread has been suggesting over the last few days.

Rafik, maybe we should try to draft a shirt summary of these complex set of questions for Dublin and maybe we could get some smarter responses from Board and GDD.

Marilia, should we give it a try again from the political, distributional and commercial perspectives??? Any other volunteers from the north and the south?

A nice Sunday to all.

Carlos Raúl

On Sep 29, 2015 8:24 AM, "Maria Farrell" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Funny you should mention that, Bill ...

Yes the public interest research has been very internally oriented, pretty much surveying staff and docs.  What will be needed next is a look at the world outside ICANN, how the concept has been employed in telecom and other sectors around the world, then think about whether any bits of that may be relevant by analogy etc.  Frankly I think they should hire a couple hungry academics who do international telecom policy (not me), doing this properly will need a solidly researched information base.

Just published, an RFP for DNS industry study:

FYI-ing here in case anyone is interested.
