Dear Sam

The result is never straightforward in International Trade. I keep buying from Amazon, paying import duties to our Finance Ministry and Amazon keeps hiring people for its call center in Costa Rica. Only the local middleman was left out.

Carlos Raúl

On Oct 2, 2015 8:55 PM, "Sam Lanfranco" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Milton is both right, and a bit off here.
ICANN's barriers to entry are the cause
Transfer of financial resources is the result.
As well, this prevents building registry capacity in developing regions of the globe.
It also reduces registry level input, from those regions, into ICANN policy development.
Engagement requires, and builds, capacity.

Sam L


I still have to quibble with this “transfer of resources’ framing of the issue.

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The real problem is that incumbent operators in North America are grabbing most of this sticky market because TLD operators from the developing world are excluded by the massive entry barriers created by ICANN. It’s not transference, its entry barriers.


"It is a disgrace to be rich and honoured
in an unjust state" -Confucius
Dr Sam Lanfranco (Prof Emeritus & Senior Scholar)
Econ, York U., Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - M3J 1P3
email: [log in to unmask]   Skype: slanfranco
Phone: +1 613-476-0429 cell: +1 416-816-2852