+1 We have some members with contacts, surely we could organize a dialogue without overstepping 


On Dec 10, 2015, at 5:07 PM, Milan, Stefania <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Networking and taking the chance to meet, talk to and organise international support at the margins of ICANN would probably be more useful. As NCUC we have established the "tradition" of meeting "the civil society" the Saturday before the meeting starts, and we use that time to introduce ICANN to the local and recruit members. We can, e.g., organise such an event, but instead spend the time to listen to the "locals". I would also be happy to see the NCSG, or NCUC if it is easier, to take stance here. A statement, well sourced and coordinated with our members who are from the region, could be at least the starting point for a dialogue.