Of interest to many here I would think.

On 01/05/2015, 2:39 p.m., "[log in to unmask] on behalf of David Post" <[log in to unmask] on behalf of [log in to unmask]> wrote:

>[Apologies for cross-posting to the various lists]
>Danielle Kehl and I have just published a background paper on the 
>IANA transition for the Open Technology Institute 
>There probably isn't a great deal in there that those of you who are 
>already participants on this list are unfamiliar with.  The target 
>audience comprises those people who have not been following DNS 
>policy matters and who know nothing or next-to-nothing about ICANN, 
>or IANA, or the DNS.  We hope we've filled a gap in the existing 
>writings on the subject, something  that can help someone who is 
>completely unfamiliar with the territory to understand just what is 
>going on with the IANA transition, and why it matters as much as we 
>think it does for the Internet going forward --
>Needless to say, please feel free to re-circulate to anyone you think 
>might find it useful - even your local Congressperson!  And comments 
>etc. are always welcome -
>There will be a second piece coming out shortly that will dive more 
>deeply into the specifics of the various proposals now under 
>consideration, with particular attention on the "accountability" discussions -
>David G Post - Senior Fellow, Open Technology Institute/New America Foundation
>blog (Volokh Conspiracy) http://www.washingtonpost.com/people/david-post
>book (Jefferson's Moose)  http://tinyurl.com/c327w2n
>music http://tinyurl.com/davidpostmusic publications 
>etc.  http://www.davidpost.com
>David G Post - Senior Fellow, Open Technology Institute/New America Foundation
>blog (Volokh Conspiracy) http://www.washingtonpost.com/people/david-post
>book (Jefferson's Moose)  http://tinyurl.com/c327w2n
>music http://tinyurl.com/davidpostmusic publications 
>etc.  http://www.davidpost.com
>wp2-independentreview mailing list
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