Ed and NCSG members

Trying to increase awareness and engagement in ICANN's remit within the civil society sector is a slow uphill process. NCUC has more success in recruiting individual members because many (academics, lawyers, techies) see a fit between parts of the ICANN remit and their personal work. But, overall, within our civil society sub-constituencies, active participation is a challenge. As the NCUC survey last year indicated, within NCUC the work flow is loaded onto the shoulders of a few "worker bees", where in many instances the ICANN work and occupational work (fortunately) have congruence.  I am a big fan of lurkers whereas ICANN proper is a big fan of evidence of participation (as a multistakeholder organization should) so there is a double challenge here, for ICANN and for us. 

For NPOC active engagement is an even greater challenge. Not-for-profit organizational members typically have a mission that is focused on health, education, social justice and issues that are not ICANN/DNS-centric.  That makes it more difficult to turn lurkers into ICANN "worker bees" and is why NPOC is increasingly collaborative on a wider and wider scale in the pursuit of its ICANN-centric mission.

Bringing all that down to prospective Periscope use, I would suggest a test. We first recruit a group (students, researchers, community members) who will "sign on" to watch a Periscope feed (live or quickly) and give feedback at two levels. One would be feedback on the event content, and the other would be feedback or possible roles for Periscope. Then we MERL (measure, evaluate, research, and learn)

Apps like Twitter, Whatsup, Instagram, (and Periscope?) work well when dealing with something that is trending or going viral. There are more things in that area that appeal to younger users than to our constituency members. There are few things we do that would appeal to young users. To capture the broader attention of our constituency groups groups we would have to be very focused and do targeted pre-marketing to promote engagement, with follow up. This would mean not always going to the same old same old groups.

That is my two-cents worth of analysis/opinion here.


On 20/01/2016 11:25 AM, Edward Morris wrote:
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Hi Sam and Klaus,
Might I first state that it does not surprise me that the first few responses to this idea come from leaders of the NPOC. The NPOC use of Twitter is exceptional and far surpasses anything the NCUC or NCSG does in social media. People might want to take a look at @NPOC_ICANN. I find NPOC's tweets to be very helpful.
I share your joint concern that 1) use of the app might not be widespread and 2) if we did it we'd be scoping to no one. 
?For those not familiar with the app, Periscope, which is owned by Twitter, allows for live broadcasting from events using your mobile phone. You can watch it on your phone, tablet or within your browser. Scopes remain accessible for 24 hours. For example, here is a bit of last night's Bruce Springsteen concert, from the balcony:
?Or a behind the scenes look at the Phoenix Fox 10 newsroom this morning:
?Both of these videos will one gone within the day. 
In my view, Periscope would be a way to take all of our members "behind the scenes" at an ICANN meeting or event. That said, although the app has exploded with younger people our membership trends a bit older. It is Apple's "App Of The Year" and, although only launched in March of last year,  has widespread adoption amongst the under 25's.  I use it but I'm not your typical NCSG member (nor, sadly, am I under 25). 
I'll leave the question out there for response. If there are people who are using Periscope, or want to,  and would like me to try to do something with it at the intercessional meeting please let me know. If not, perhaps we can revisit the idea down the road, when the installed base is a bit larger.

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in an unjust state" -Confucius
Dr Sam Lanfranco (Prof Emeritus & Senior Scholar)
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