
That question is perhaps too broad as such. ICANN budget and
expenditures are at least supposedly pretty public already.

The question would be more effective if you could narrow
it down, point to some specific piece of information you
could not find or get despite asking - some big opaque
blob you stumbled in a budget report somewhere, say.

Just asking the board to be more transparent isn't likely
to get us anywhere. They can just say "look, it's all there".
With something more concrete to wave at them it would be much better.

Actually I think that's something that would be useful for
us to do in a continuing basis: try to dig into and track
ICANN's money flows, looking for odd or hidden things.
That way we might come up with some really hard questions
for the Board.

Tapani Tarvainen

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 09:49:21AM -0500, Sam Lanfranco ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>    As a complement to the "work flow burden" issue I would like to ask
>    about more transparency with regard to
>    how ICANN funds are allocated to internal and external support of AC/SC
>    activities. Who gets what to do what?
>    Sam L.