Would be good if we could come up with a positive agenda item as well - something we can work with the Board on, perhaps?  Or is there something positive that we want to update the Board on?


On 2/26/2016 11:56 AM, Edward Morris wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
Hi Seun,
I understand what you are saying and agree in part with it. WE should always be civil and respectful. I'd like to know what the Board thinks, though, not what ICANN Legal thinks. If you give them enough detail in advance my experience suggests they just will parrot what Legal tells them to say. It's only when we catch them by surprise, as Robin did last meeting, that any useful information comes out. And, yes - given that Board members now receive a stipend equal to yearly wages for many people in the world, I want to know if they actually know the issues without too much preparation. We have some fantastic Board members, we also have some tourists. This is an opportunity to sort who belongs in each category.

From: "Seun Ojedeji" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 11:49 AM
To: "Edward Morris" <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Questions to the Board?


Is the goal to catch them by surprise and then show to the world that they are not capable board members OR to have them prepared to provide responses that we can hopefully hold them accountable on.

I will prefer the latter.


Sent from my LG G4
Kindly excuse brevity and typos

On 26 Feb 2016 12:43 p.m., "Edward Morris" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Tapani,
I think this is wrong.
It just gives them time to come up with justifications for some of their improprieties.
For example, I want them to justify their action in the CCWG last week where they ignored our timeline, process, Charter and pretty much every procedural nicety to put us in crisis mode and threaten the transition. If Markus is there I want him to justify, as our appointee, siding with the Board on all votes that this mess created last Tuesday and point blank ask him why we should reappoint someone so out of touch with the NCSG (with one exception).
I guess we could label that as questions bout the Board's relations with the CCWG and intent regarding the transition.
I'd be interested in their response to questions about retainment of The Analysis Group and why the bottom up process seems to be under threat by ICANN retaining more and more "experts".
I guess that's two topics.

From: "Tapani Tarvainen" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 11:12 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Questions to the Board?
Dear all,

One regular event at ICANN meetings is that we get to meet the Board,
talk with them about and ask them whatever we want.

The Board would, however, like to know in advance what we're going
to ask them, so they could better prepare for it.

If you have suggestions for topics for our meeting with the Board in
Marrakech, please let me know as soon as possible (feel free to post
to the list or me directly, as you prefer).

Thank you,

Tapani Tarvainen


Matthew Shears | Director, Global Internet Policy & Human Rights Project
Center for Democracy & Technology | cdt.org
E: [log in to unmask] | T: +44.771.247.2987

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