Hello, team-
I have drafted a response to the final report of the Geographic Regions Review
Working Group. Comments are due in about 25 days time but if we do decide to
reply, I hope we can submit something in advance of that deadline. I've shared
my first draft on Google Docs here and have also attached it to this email for those without access to that

You can read the Working Group's final report here: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/geo-regions-2015-12-23-en
I suspect that we will have a wide birth of opinions on this topic, so please
know that I'm very much open to reviewing or rethinking anything that appears in
this early draft. I am also new to writing public comments like this one so
welcome any feedback you would be kind enough to share. I look forward to
hearing your thoughts.
Best wishes,
Ayden FĂ©rdeline
Ayden Ferdeline - Response - WGGR Report.pdf 36KB Download