Hello ED,

Great news. Becky will represent registry and us. Lets encourage her with good feedback from our constituency.

Sulando Becky!

Sonigitu Ekpe

Mobile +234 805 0232 469    Office + 234 802 751 0179
 "LIFE is all about love and thanksgiving"

On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 2:28 AM, Edward Morris <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I wanted to give everyone what I believe to be tremendously positive news for the noncommercial community.
The Contracted Party House (CPH) of the GNSO has selected Becky Burr for seat 13 on the ICANN Board. 
Becky has been involved in this arena before ICANN even existed. She has worked for the FTC, NTIA, as an attorney in private practice and currently is the chief privacy officer at Neustar. 
Much of what the noncommercial community achieved in the Accountability process can be attributed to Becky's receptiveness to our ideas, approaches and input. Her skill, diplomacy and ceaseless energy were demonstrated time and time again. I believe in Becky Burr the NCSG will have someone on the Board that we can always turn to and who will be receptive to our input and honest in her response.
This is a good day for ICANN generally and the GNSO in particular.
Congratulations Becky!
Ed Morris