dear dr. cisse kane
congratulation for the great and high quality workshop (see attachment) i will do more update tomorrow

GDCO Sudan and its partner specially Sudacad and NIC prepared their exhibitions 4 inauguration tomorrow. On Friday 6th May 2015 GDCO and its partners will organize a workshop (Sudan and GDCO Sudan Strong Partnership for Sustainable Development) from 9:00 to 10:45 @ Room C1, ITU Tower. ALSO ACSIS will have a workshop on Thursday 5thMay 2016 11:00 – 13:00 Room L, ITU Montbrillant on How to Develop Appropriate Strategies for Linkages Between ICT and Sustainable Development goals?


 You Can Participate online (REMOTE PARTICIPATION) click on the link below then only add your name and click  ok and you will get to the room  

Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Eisa 
+249123031155 Sudani
+249912331155 Zain
 Gedaref digital city organization (GDCO) is a nongovernmental and nonprofit organization (Gedaref Sudan), it is part of the Telecentres movement where ICT is used for community development. . GDCO is the winner of seven (7)information for development awards.  It the founder of the firstTelecentre academy in Africa and middle east and the thirteen in world ..GDCO is founded in partnership with the Digital City of Eindhoven (DSE) Netherlands and supported by Eindhoven volunteers for gedaref projects (SPEG ) 

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 8:07 AM, ahmed eisa sudan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
dear arsene

 Gedaref digital city organization (GDCO) is a nongovernmental and nonprofit organization (Gedaref Sudan), it is part of the Telecentres movement where ICT is used for community development. . GDCO is the winner of seven (7)information for development awards.  It the founder of the firstTelecentre academy in Africa and middle east and the thirteen in world ..GDCO is founded in partnership with the Digital City of Eindhoven (DSE) Netherlands and supported by Eindhoven volunteers for gedaref projects (SPEG ) 

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Arsène Tungali <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Cisse,

Congratulations on your achievements and great themes to be developped at the wsis forum. Unfortunately i won't be there physically but will appreciate if you can share remote participation link for those of us who can follow from a distance.

Best regards,

Le mercredi 27 avril 2016, [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> a écrit :



On the occasion of the WSIS Forum 2016, Africa Civil Society on the Information Society (ACSIS) will organize two workshops, which will help further reflection on an African ICT strategy for the coming years:

- "WSIS + 10 and beyond: Where do we stand in Africa? What are the main challenges and proposals for the implementation of WSIS outcomes? ", May 2, 2016 9 to 10:45 am Room C1, ITU Tower and

- "How to develop appropriate strategies for the links between ICT and sustainable development goals?" May 5, 2016 11 am-1 p.m. Room L, ITU Montbrillant

The Agenda of our sessions can be found here:

We foresee high-level panelists from the African Union, UNECA, African high-level officials leaders of the Internet and ICT community such as ITU, CSTD, ICANN, ISOC, Diplo Foundation, etc.


In addition, ACSIS has been appointed as member of the High-level track Facilitators of the WSIS FORUM 2016.

We would be very much  honored to welcome you as our guests at both workshops, if you are around.

With my best regards



Quelques mois après l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies sur le SMSI + 10 (mi-décembre 2015 à New York), et à l’occasion du Forum du SMSI 2016 (2-6 mai 2016 UIT Genève), la Société Civile Africaine sur la Société de l’Information (ACSIS) organisera deux ateliers qui aideront à approfondir la réflexion sur une stratégie africaine des TIC pour les prochaines années :

- «SMSI + 10 et au-delà, Où en sommes-nous en Afrique? Quelles sont les principaux défis et propositions pour la mise en œuvre ?", le 2 mai 2016 9h-10h45 Room C1, ITU Tower.

- "Comment développer des stratégies appropriées pour les liens entre les TIC et les objectifs de développement durable?» le 5 mai 2016 11h-13h00 Room L, ITU Montbrillant. Le programme de nos sessions est disponible à ces adresses :

Notre organisation vient également d’être choisie pour être parmi les dix facilitateurs de haut niveau du WSIS FORUM 2016 :

Ces rencontres nous permettront d’élaborer des stratégies et des actions à long terme au profit des communautés africaines avec des panélistes de haut niveau comme M. le SG de l’UIT, les officiels africains de haut niveau qui seront à Genève, l’Union Africaine,  la CEA, des membres d’ACSIS et des membres de la communauté Internet et des TIC tels que la CSTD, l'ICANN, Diplo Foundation, l’ISOC etc.

Nous serions honorés de vous compter parmi nos invités si vous êtes à Genève à ces moments-là.

Avec mes meilleurs messages,

Cissé Kane, PhD

Président d'ACSIS

Arsene Tungali,
Executive Director, Rudi International
Founder, Mabingwa Forum
Goma, DRCongo

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