congratulation for the good news

Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Eisa 
+249123031155 Sudani
+249912331155 Zain
 Gedaref digital city organization (GDCO) is a nongovernmental and nonprofit organization (Gedaref Sudan), it is part of the Telecentres movement where ICT is used for community development. . GDCO is the winner of seven (7)information for development awards.  It the founder of the firstTelecentre academy in Africa and middle east and the thirteen in world ..GDCO is founded in partnership with the Digital City of Eindhoven (DSE) Netherlands and supported by Eindhoven volunteers for gedaref projects (SPEG ) 

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 5:32 PM, Edward Morris <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi everybody,
This morning it was announced by Larry Strickling that the transition and accountability proposals developed by the ICANN community have met the criteria established by the N.T.I.A.  Simply put, the transition proposal has been accepted by the Executive branch of the U.S. government.
The NTIA assessment report, along with relevant charts and data, may be located here: .
It's been a long journey and we are not done. We need more NCSG members to volunteer for the ongoing accountability work that will begin again with the launch of work stream two in Helsinki. The subtopics for which the CCWG Chairs have asked volunteers to express interest in working on are: 1) diversity, 2) human rights, 3) jurisdiction, 4) SO/AC accountability, 5) staff accountability, 6) transparency, 7) reviewing the CEP, 8) ombudsman and 9) guidelines for standard of Board conduct. Volunteer possibilities, explanations and sign up sheets may be found here: .Questions? Feel free to post them on list or in private e-mails to any of our engaged members, including myself and our/our  NCSG Member on the CCWG Ms. Robin Gross.
I look forward to working with everyone as we continue to strive to make this transition the best one possible for the billions of people worldwide who use and depend upon the internet for the exercise of their noncommercial speech.
Kind Regards,
Ed Morris