I too support the intent of the statement which embodies principles that we all share.

However I was confused by the sentence :

"In order to protect the stability, security and quality of the work
which has been and continues to be carried out and developed by the

Maybe the translation is off, but this does not make any sense. The stability of work? the security of work?.....I understand and agree with the " quality of work" but even that is not something that can be protected.What does this mean? 

...and more importantly how are these groups going to protect the stability / security of work they DID and will be DOING.

These words are similar to the often quoted " the Stability , Security and Resiliency of the Internet". Maybe the idea is to refer to the internet ( an object that shares characteristics of a / living entity ) that needs to be protected, needs to be secured etc.

Warm regards


On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 4:28 AM, Carlos Afonso <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Gracias, Ermanno!

Estamos colectando todas las expresiones de apoyo para presentarlas a
CGI.br. Pueden ser enviadas a mi email.

We are collecting all expressions of support to present them to CGI.br.
You can send them to my email.

[]s fraternos


On 28-06-16 09:55, Ermanno Pietrosemoli wrote:
> +1 from Fundacion EsLaRed  and Ermanno Pietrosemoli


Carlos A. Afonso
[emails são pessoais exceto quando explicitamente indicado em contrário]
[emails are personal unless explicitly indicated otherwise]

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CGI.br - http://cgi.br
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