Hi Maryam,
Thanks for this. Although I will be in Helsinki and intend to be very active in WS2 I will be unable to attend this meeting due to a scheduling conflict. Frankly, I find it very poor planning for the NCSG to schedule a meeting with just four days notice, without using a Doodle poll to measure availability, on such an important issue when the topic concerned and action dates have been known for months. We need to do better.
Still time for those interested in volunteering to help out on Accountability work stream 2 issues to sign up and be on the ground floor when it is launched on June 26th. Subgroup topics include diversity, transparency, the Ombudsman office, SO/AC accountability, staff accountability, the Cooperative Engagement Process (CEP), jurisdiction, human rights and the standards of conduct for Board members. Information on the various options available to volunteers ( active participant or observer) along with the actual sign up sheet can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Iw5yn9GRk8RcnTJzclwB-JuSe3B6JugEj_0oGOCseqU/edit# .
Great to see so many NCSG members, especially those new to the CCWG, having signed up already. Many of these issues are core to the interests and values of the NCSG. In fact, I would argue that for us work stream two is every bit as important as the completed work stream one. Let's outnumber and outwork the other interests on these subgroups so we can  obtain the best possible result for all of our Members and those we represent.
Questions? Happy to join others in answering on list or feel free to drop me an e-mail.
Ed Morris 

From: "Maryam Bakoshi" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 9:15 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Save the Date: Discussion on CCWG-Accountability Workstream 2
Dear All,
Please save the date for a call to discuss Workstream 2 for the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountabilty) on FRIDAY 17 JUNE 2016 at 1400 UTC
For details on the work of CCWG-Accountability please visit: https://community.icann.org/display/acctcrosscomm/WS1++Enhancing+ICANN+Accountability
Calendar invite and dial in details to follow. 
Many thanks,
Maryam Bakoshi
Secretariat Support - NCSG, NCUC & NPOC
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
E: [log in to unmask]
S: Maryam.bakoshi.icann
T: +44 7737698036