This week, Internet governance is dominated by Net Neutrality with a U.S federal appeals court in Washington upheld the Federak Communications Commission's 2015 net neutrality rulemaking. Moreover, in a declaration <> released on 14 June, Commonwealth ICT ministers meeting at a closed-door session in London unanimously endorsed the strategic plan of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) for 2016 - 2020. Besides, for the third time, senior officials from the European Union and the Republic of Korea met to discuss a broad range of cyber issues, while at a hearing in a Irish High Court, the US government has sought to intervene in the case between a privacy activist and Facebook.
Below, informations in those subjects as well as documents on ICANN, domain name, cyberpolitics.

See web review in full here


Mamadou LO
Chef du Département Communication et Information Documentaire
Head of Communication and Information Department
Crédit Agricole Sénégal
Tel : 221 77 645 59 57