Marilia and member of NCSG and the policy committee:


Here are my proposed comments. I think it would be much more effective if these comments were filed timely by NCSG rather than by me as an individual. Therefore I will refrain from filing them. If NCSG runs into a snag and is unable to do so, please warn me and I will file them individually.



Comments of the NCSG on the Draft RZERC Charter


The RZERC is a consultative committee with powers to

 - Propose architectural and operational changes to the DNS root zone (RZ).

- Engage expertise and conduct community consultations on RZ Evolution  issues

- Consult with ICANN in the development of an RFP for RZ maintainer, and help evaluate proposals if needed

- Initiate a public consultation process on operational and architectural changes that might impose potential risk to the security, stability, or resiliency of the root system


With the exception of 2 minor changes, we approve of the purpose, scope and composition of the committee. The two changes are:


1) For the sake of clarity, and to avoid mission creep in the future, all references to the "root zone" should be modified to say "DNS root zone."


2) The composition of the RZERC excludes end users. We recommend the addition of one representative from the NCPH of the GNSO.