Congrats Sam,
Its just putting structures in place, who knows we may have money tomorrow.

On Jul 1, 2016 07:04, "Tapani Tarvainen" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear all,

It is my pleasure to announce that NCSG Finance Committee
met in Helsinki on Wednesday, 29 June, and elected Sam
Lanfranco as its Chair.

All FC member were present, namely myself, Sam Lanfranco
and James Gannon, and the decision was unanimous.

Chair election was the only item on the meeting agenda.

As per our charter FC Chair is also NCSG Treasurer,
but that's not too arduous a task as NCSG has no
money of its own, not even a bank account.

We trust Sam will take good care of our money. :-)

Tapani Tarvainen