This week; In the U.S, the Republican Party’s policy platform criticizes the federal government’s plan on IANA transition. In Europe, BEREC’s official public consultation period for Net Neutrality law is finished and see more than 500,000 citizens send their comments, demanding EU authorities enact strong net neutrality rule. Besides, a group of major telcos  promises to launch 5G networks in every country in the European Union by 2020 so long as governments decide to weaken net neutrality rules. On Domain Name, Verisign released their latest quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief which reveals total domain registrations worldwide reaching 326.4 million at the end of the first quarter 2016. As for Internet Governance event, we note UNCTAD 14th session in Nairobi and IETF 96 in Berlin.
Below, informations on those subjects and events as well as documents on cyberpolitics, cybercrime, big data..

See weekly review in full here :



Mamadou LO

Chef du Département Communication et Information Documentaire
Head of Communication and Information Department
Crédit Agricole Sénégal
Tel : 221 77 645 59 57