This week, cyberpolitics in the U.S with President Obama approving new directive that spells out for the first time how the government handles significant cyber incidents and Wikileaks releasing that "the Democratic National Committee tried its best to tilt the electoral playing field in favor of Hillary Clinton". In China, a national informatization plan pledge to have an “impregnable” cyber system in 2025 by building up a group of globally competitive multinational companies and world-class mobile communications networks. In Russia, Federal Security Service reportedly has means to collect encryption keys from internet companies that will decode otherwise unreadable data on the internet. In Europe, New data protection law (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament in April will become applicable to all EU members in two years’ time regardless Brexit case. On Domain Name, "NU DOT CO LLC prevailed in the auction for the price of $135 million to operate the .WEB gTLD.

As for event, we note GSMA Mobile 360 Africa, APrIGF 3016 aand LACIGF.
Below, informations on those subjects and events as well as documents on data protection, cybersecurity, net neutrality..


See weekly review in full here: